Sunday, September 26, 2010

We are in! - 26/09/2010

Well we have been for about three weeks now! I've just been too busy doing other things to write this last blog post.

Those things include working, moving in and building fences/gates. So far it's been really great and we are loving having our own space again. The house is awesome, with just a few minor issues but they sorted those out really quickly. Oh and the Internet here is unreal!

Everything is setup now and we have just got our dog Sebastian back from our friends house who were kind enought to look after him for the last year.

Anyhoo, enough babbling, I will put some photos up:

My new gate, I just need to oil it now

My new "fence", my first attempt at being handy again

Kids playroom

The kitchen

The study

The lounge...

Happy Dog

Kids Bathroom

Family Room

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 111 - 23/08/2010

Haven't updated for a while but I can tell you that the house looks great! Shouldn't be too long before we are in, maybe a couple of weeks! We have our first walk-through of the house with the building supervisor tomorrow to pick up on any problems that there might be. Then we need to make our final payment and get the certificate of occupancy and we are in like Flynn!

I've noticed that they have put the fly-screens up, the garage door is on, carpet is down and they are making a start on the driveway.

I probably won't post anymore until we are in now, so last photos for a bit:

The Garage door controller

View of the kitchen from outside the dining room

A window with fly-screen installed

The outline of the driveway

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 96 - 08/08/2010

Just thought I would add some more photos. They have painted the gutters and the lintels, done the electrical fit-out and looks like the plumber has been too. We might be having our walk through this week so it looks like the end is near!

Think this will stop the kids drinking it?

Door handles throughout the house

Front door handle

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 88 - 31/07/2010

Got a call from the concreter today who asked to meet onsite so we could choose the colour of the driveway. We met him and had a quick chat, he had some good suggestions and left us with a colour chart to get back to him in the next few days. We are thinking of a dark colour with a light border at this stage.

While we were there we noticed that the tilers were there so we went in to say g'day and to check the progress. I think it looks awesome! So happy with our colour choices. The painter should be finished by Monday and the tilers should be finished by the end of this weekend.

Bedroom wall painted

Ensuite tiled

Another view of the ensuite

Kitchen/Family room painted

Laundry painted and tiled

Bedroom 2 painted

Kids toilet painted and tiled

Kids bathroom painted and tiled

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 85 - 28/07/2010

I spoke to our building supervisor yesterday and he told me that they have started painting inside and should be finished by Friday. He also told us that some of the tiling had been done and a few other bits and pieces. They should start the plumbing and electrical fit-out next week.

I went to the house yesterday and had a walk around, its looking less like a swamp in the backyard now! The have put the downpipes in place but have not connected them yet.

The downpipes

Painted under the Alfresco

Painted Garage

Painted eaves

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 77 - 20/07/2010 - UPDATED.

Not much to report lately but it looks like they are going to start painting soon as they have plastic over the windows and over the kitchen bench. They have also made a start on the right-hand fence. Posts are in!

The completed fence.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 66 - 09/07/2010

Went to the block today and found that I couldn't get in!! I guess we really are at lockup now which i excellent! They have been doing lots though. They have cleaned up the garden, removed the old bricks and put the security fences back up. They have hung the doors including the front door and the garage doors. From what I can see inside the house they have attached the skirtings, put the shelves in the wardrobes and made a good start on the kitchen. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel now!

Clean side!

Clean backyard!

Sort of clean front yard

Our front door, no it's not staying green

Door from garage to house

Door from garage to backyard

Our wardrobe shelves

Some skirting

First look at the kitchen

The bedrooms wardrobe doors